Aminet 4
Aminet 4 - November 1994.iso
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Text File
354 lines
The ST/R Utilities Package
Release 3
Douglas McLaughlin
[Black Fire]
* All new or updated information since the last release will have a star in
the left column.
File Locations:
STR.Top10.rexx ---> Doors:STR.Utils/
STR.Graph.rexx ---> Doors:STR.Utils/
Install in the BBS:
To install STR.Top10.rexx, create or add the following line to your
"TEXT.WELCOME.USER" file in the BBS:TEXT/ENGLISH/ directory:
Also, add the following to the END of line 1636 of the "English" file
in the BBS:Languages/ directory:
STR.Graph.rexx is automatically called by STR.Top10.rexx. See the
Configuration section for an alternate installation.
If you set the graphnow varible in STR.Top10.rexx to 0 then add the
following line to the END of either the "TEXT.WELCOME.USER" or the
"TEXT.LOGOUT" files in the BBS:TEXT/ENGLISH/ directory:
\$0Run Rx Doors:STR.Utils/STR.Graph.rexx\
Test Mode Installation:
To test the display of the CPS graphics you can install the STR.Top10.rexx
program as a door program. To ensure this works correctly, only sysop
access should be given AND part of the description *MUST* include
"STR.Top10". This is case-sensitive so you must use both upper and lower
case exactly as shown. To test other graphic modes, use the TS command
to change your graphic's setting.
Alternate Installation:
You can also add the following configuration to the STR.LogOn.Mcfg file
instead of the above mentioned entry in the "TEXT.WELCOME.USER" file.
The Statistics Compiler
Any Amiga ;)
The faster the better! =)
OS 2.04+
The AmigaDOS SORT command should be in C: or available in your PATH.
The AmigaDOS COPY command should be in C: or available in your PATH.
Untested with, but should work fine with, OS 3.0/3.1
RexxMast should be run in your s:user-startup.
rexxsupport.library should be installed in Libs:
Excelsior! BBS v1.20+
Works fine with v1.21 as well.
Assignment to T:
Preferably to RAM:T/ but can be anywhere.
If a new user completely logs on but drops carrier, that user's "number of
calls" variable isn't updated. What this means is that when the user
called back s/he would show up in the new users list a second time, except
there is a line of code that prevents this from happening. In previous
versions, this made the list grow shorter from time to time. With this
version, the list graph itself will always be the same size, but the number
of users in the list will vary. Under the previous versions, the list
would never grow longer, now it will increase in size back up to the topnum
varibles amount. This, of course, depends on how your new users log off!
* If there are less than 10 people in the STR.Top10.data file, AND one or
* more of them is already on your Gods list, AND one or more of the others
* have never uploaded or downloaded, THEN blank lines will show up in
* either the BytesDown or FilesDown lists. Once any one of the above three
* cases is changed, the lines will go away. This will be fixed in a future
* release, but it is not an urgent matter. ;)
* Reported By: Stace Cunningham @ 1:3604/60.0
datapath - Set this to the path where STR.Top10.rexx can store its data.
sysop - Access levels above this don't get logged.
maxdays - Delete a user from the Top10 lists after this many days of
maxcday - Delete a user from the TopCPS lists after this many days of
topnum - Maximum number of items per each Top10 list.
xtratime - Extra time given to a user if the user breaks the current
high CPS at the current baud rate.
realname - If you set this to 1 then all output/text files will use the
user's real name. Set this to 0 and all output/text files
will use the user's alias.
graphnow - If you set this to 1 then STR.Top10.rexx will automatically
run STR.Graph.rexx synchroniously. The user will be sent a
message before each Top10 list or graph is made that updates
the programs progress. If you set this to 0, it is your
responsibitly to see that the STR.Graph.rexx program gets
executed. It is suggested either at the end of the
"TEXT.WELCOME.USER" file or at the end of the "TEXT.LOGOUT"
file, both in the BBS:TEXT/ENGLISH/ directory.
comment. - These 18 lines are the various comments given for a certain
percent of the baud rate. At 14,400 a download that is close
to 1440 CPS will give comment 10.
datapath - Set this to the path where STR.Graph.rexx can find its data.
maxtopnum - Maximum number of items per each Top10 list.
(Yeah, I know. I used a different variable name ;)
topfiledn - Users who download this many files, or more, will be on the
God's list of donwloaders.
topfileup - Users who upload this many files, or more, will be on the
God's list of uploaders.
topbytedn - Users who download this many bytes, or more, will be on the
God's list of donwloaders.
topbyteup - Users who upload this many bytes, or more, will be on the
God's list of uploaders.
This program has a two-fold purpose depending upon the environment in
which it is executed. If executed in your TEXT.WELCOME.USER file the
program collects information about the user currently logging on and
saves it in structured data files for later retrieval by the
STR.Graph.rexx program. If executed from the English file after an
upload or download, the program will collect information about the
file transfer and save it for the STR.Graph.rexx progrm. It will also
display giant ANSI numbers of the user's CPS and rank the user against
other callers at the same baud rate. If the program is executed as a
door, it chooses a random number between 1000 and 2000 for a CPS speed,
then calls the ANSI display routine.
This program has the option of automatically calling the STR.Graph.rexx
program. This is up to each individual sysop; however, it will most
likely depend upon the speed of the system on which the BBS is running.
If both programs are run, the user will be able to how s/he ranks against
other callers immediately. If not, the user will only be able to see
information from the preceding call.
This program uses the information gathered by STR.Top10.rexx to create
several Top10 lists or Activity Graphs. The graphs of the baud rates
and usage per hour are very nice and provide a lot of information. The
Hour Usage chart *WON'T* "go flat" after a few weeks like Master's
Statistics window does, or OTHER Hour "Usage" charts that I've seen.
This program can be run from the CLI/Shell as well.
This program has the nasty habit of being slow. I suspect most 68000
based systems will run this program asynchroniously.
The files produced by STR.Graph.rexx are located in the BBS:TBASE/
directory. The files are as follows:
STR.LastCallers - Shows the user's name or alias, total calls, total
messages, total bytes up/downloaded, time called,
and the baud rate of the call.
STR.NewCallers - Shows the user's name or alias, city and state, call
date and time, and the baud rate of the call.
STR.TopCallers - Shows the user's name or alias and ranked by total
calls. Also shows the user's name or alias and
ranked by total messages posted to the system.
STR.BytesDown - Shows two lists, one ranked by total bytes downloaded,
the other ranked by total bytes uploaded.
STR.GodsBytes - Shows two lists, one ranked by total bytes downloaded,
the other ranked by total bytes uploaded. Only users
whose stats are higher than those set by the topbytedn
and topbyteup variables will be on this list.
STR.FilesDown - Shows two lists, one ranked by total files downloaded,
the other ranked by total files uploaded.
STR.GodsBytes - Shows two lists, one ranked by total files downloaded,
the other ranked by total files uploaded. Only users
whose stats are higher than those set by the topfiledn
and topfileup variables will be on this list.
* STR.CPSRates - Shows user's name or alias, date, baud rate, cps rate,
and cps percentage of the fastest up/downloaders on
your system.
STR.BaudGraph - This is a horizontal graph showing each baud rate.
The number in the end of the graph is a percent of
the total calls at this baud rate. The number in
brackets is the total number of calls at this baud
rate. The number in the lower right corner of the
graph is the total number of calls in the graph.
STR.HourGraph - This is a vertical graph showing all 24 hours from 00
to 23. The numbers on the left side of the graph are
percentages based on the hour with the highest percent
of calls. The number in the top of each bar is the
actual percent for that hour. The number on top of
each bar is the total number of calls for that hour.
The number in the top left part of the graph is the
total number of calls in the graph.
* Version 1.07:
Made some more cosmetic changes to the CPS display.
Version 1.06:
Completely re-wrote the routines that updates the data for the last
callers and new callers lists. They make sense now.
Another cosmetic change made to the CPS display.
* STR.Graph.rexx
Made a change to the IPL sequence in the Hour and Baud graphs so that
they display correctly on an IBM terminal.
* Version 1.05:
Added STR.CPSRates as one of the top lists produced.
Version 1.04:
Fixed a bug induced by swapping the user's name and alias. A user
would show up twice in the Top10.data file, once under the real name
and once under the alias. This is now eliminated.
Version 1.03:
Added the variable realname to the configuration section. This
switches the user's alias and real name. This makes no change to
your already existing data files. If you change this to use alias'
instead of real names like in the previous version, the old data files
won't be changed. This means that new callers will see their alias'
in the text files, but callers that haven't called since the new
version will still have their real names displayed.
Suggested By: Stace Cunningham @ 1:3604/60.0
Version 1.02:
Changed the format of the STR.Top10.cpsD and .cpsU files so that the
SORT applies to the baud rate and not to the cps. This invalidates
the v1.0 files, so you will have to delete them. If you want to avoid
deleteing these files, load them into a text editor and reverse the
first and third items for all lines in the files. Each item is
separated by a (;) semi-colon.
Miscellaneous bugs fixed and cosmetic changes made to the CPS display.
Made some changes to the baud rate and hour charts. Both charts will
now highlight the current user's baud rate and hour called in a
different color.
Changed the baud graph so that when a user connects at a strange baud
rate like 7200 or 4800, etc. If that baud's percentage is less than
1%, the graph will not show that baud rate. However, if the current
user is at one of these rates, the graph WILL show that baud.
Version 1.0:
First public release.
The Past:
The STR.Top10.rexx program contains some code written by Kenneth Brill.
Specifically, the code that draws the big ANSI CPS numbers after a
file transfer.
I plan on adding some kind of graph, similar to the baud graph, for
each baud rate's top cps up/downloaders.